Asbestos Victims Association (SA)Inc

Support — Awareness — Advocacy

AVA Membership

For just $15.00 each year you can become a member of AVA.

To join or pay your membership via PayPal click on the button below.

Or click here to print the form. When completed, please post to the Asbestos Victims Association (SA) Inc,

Level 9/60 Waymouth Street, Adelaide 5000.

As a member, you will receive our quarterly newsletter, which will keep you up to date with the latest news and events.

All the following services are provided free of charge

  • Volunteers to talk to by phone or personally
  • Information sessions for community groups – asbestos is still an issue
  • Information if you are worried about asbestos in your home or at work
  • Information about safety procedures if asbestos is found
  • Information about what to do if you are exposed to asbestos
  • Information about asbestos related diseases
  • Regular newsletters and updates and information on our website
  • Help to get medical advice
  • Help to get legal advice: you may be eligible for compensation
  • Support groups in city and regional areas
  • Regular social mornings by support groups
  • Telephone support and advice – 24 hours per day, 7 days a week


As a voluntary organisation, AVA relies on donations to fund the expenses involved in providing our services to victims and their families. Donations to AVA come from various sources, such as sponsorships by annual contributions or from families and friends.

Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult times we have to face in life, and finding ways of coping is different for everyone. As part of that journey, some may choose to donate to a support organisation such as AVA. This can be done by asking people to make a donation in lieu of flowers at the funeral service. AVA can supply envelopes for this purpose.

If you prefer to ask for donations for asbestos research, we can advise you. There is wonderful work being done by Flinders Medical Centre (Professor Doug Henderson AO Research Fund), the Asbestos Disease Research Institute (NSW) and the National Centre for Asbestos Related Disease (WA). Others may prefer to include a bequest to AVA in their will as a lasting way of remembering and celebrating the person’s life, and highlighting the need for asbestos awareness and ongoing research into improved options for treatment. If we can help you with the wording of bequests or leaving a legacy in your Will, please call us on (08) 8212 6008. We can help you to ensure that your bequest is used in the manner you intend.

Ways to Pay


Direct debit to our bank account

Direct debit to our bank account – please provide your name in the reference box so we can identify you. If you would like a written receipt, telephone the office to give us your name and address.

BSB 325-185
A/C 02252614.